Monday, 3 September 2007

Muslim Diversities - volumes II & III

Call for Abstracts
MUSLIM DIVERSITIES volumes II & III: 'Circumstances & Change' and 'Conformity & Conflict' respectively

The 'Muslim Diversities' series offers a comprehensive exploration of the diversities that constitute the contemporary Islamic and Muslim social, political, economic and theological landscapes around the world, challenging and deconstructing the assumption of homogeneity that pervades contemporary understandings of what constitutes today's 'Islam' and 'Muslims'. Each of its three volumes seek to present a wide range of critically engaged and innovatively informed perspectives, drawn from contributors in Britain, Europe, North America, Asia, Africa and Australia. With the first volume 'Communities & Contexts' due for publication in early 2008, volume II entitled 'Circumstances & Change' will focus on the transitions that Muslim communities around the word are currently undergoing, in the context of new and historical factors - both external and internal - that have been the impetus for socio-economic, geo-political, geographic and demographic change. Volume III, 'Conformity and Conflict' will critically explore the key issues and tensions that currently affect contemporary Muslim communities, considering the relative bi-polarity of how these are manifested, particularly in terms of those who experience tension or are in a state of flux. With all three volumes scheduled for publication by late 2008, the series intends to stimulate new thinking across a range of relevant and timely issues.

Innovative and interdisciplinary chapters for volumes II and III are now being invited. Focusing upon a specific community (which can be understood in terms of a community, organisation, group or other entity whether broadly or more narrowly), both established academics and postgraduates as well as practitioners from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds are encouraged to submit an abstract of no more than 500 words. To do so, you might wish to consider some of the following indicative - rather than exhaustive - thematic strands in terms of either 'circumstance and change' or 'conformity and conflict':

- 'External' political issues and factors including the geo-political, e.g. integration, assimilation, belonging, globalised 'events' including 'war on terror' (especially localised consequences)
- 'Internal' political issues, factors and movements, e.g. 'Islamification', mobilisation and politicisation, Hizb ut-Tahrir, Stop the War (Muslim contingent)
- Community issues and foci, e.g. tensions between different communities and/or generations, representation (political and other), sexuality, gender
- Demographic and socio-economic change and influence, e.g. the shift from rural to urban, growing/shrinking communities, 'class'
- Manifestations and expressions of religiosity, faith and identity, e.g. orthodox, liberal, 'moderate' or 'mainstream', 'radical' or 'fundamentalist', 'British' 'Euro' Islam etc
- Communication and media networks, e.g. case studies on how medias represent given communities, the emergence of 'Muslim' medias
- Theological difference, e.g. orthodox forms of Islam and how these impact upon intra-community relationships and understandings, less orthodox forms of Islam, splinter and/or factional movements (abstracts on the Nation of Islam would be warmly welcomed)
- Inter-faith perspectives and relationships especially in terms of conflict and/or co-operation
- Cultural aspects, movements and trends, e.g. new expressions of as well as conflicts around music, art, literature, film
- The influence and effect of geography, e.g. from the simplest understanding of a given geographical location through to the perspective of majority/minority status

Abstracts should clearly set out both the community in focus and the thematic context, along with a short note about how this might be relevant to volume in question. Accompanying this should be a short biography, full contact details and any academic or organisational affiliation.

The deadline for submission of abstracts is 31 October 2007. For those whose abstracts are successful, you will be required to submit a first draft of your chapter by 1 February 2008. To submit abstracts or to request further information, please contact Chris Allen at

(A pdf version of this call for abstracts can be downloaded from for circulating to your colleagues and/or networks)